Ms. Blaylock
1st Grade Class - Room 107
Fry Word Lists
The lists of words attached below are known as Fry Words.
Fry words appear with high frequency in reading making it
necessary for a child to automatically recognize the words.
Practicing these words daily is important to achieve mastery
for fluent reading. In our classroom, we will be referring to these words as “Fry Words”.
Practicing these words on flashcards, or through games, helps children achieve the goal of mastery. We want your child to be able to read the word correctly in 3 seconds or less. You can easily make flashcards from index cards. Start with a small group of words from the first list of 25 then begin to add a few new words at a time. Frequent review is the key; it is better to spend a few minutes daily than twenty minutes or more once a week. Please practice the words in a random order so your child doesn’t rely on the familiarity of placement. This is a gradual process and mastery will be reached after many weeks of daily practice. One list should be mastered before going on to the next. In class, we will also be working on the Fry Sight Words as well.
I will assess the students at the end of each week to see what Fry Words are mastered. I will begin at the start of the list and simply see how far they can go.
Thank you for your help!
Fry-First-100 Fry-Second-100 Fry-Third-100
Fry-Fourth-100 Fry-Fifth-100 Fry-Sixth-100